
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Irritations. 'I' without a capital letter. Spelling mistakes. Bitches. Copycats. Ugh. People trying to be cool. Hipsters. People who doesn't like metal. No, I can stand them. People who hates metal, and hates me for loving it. I'm allergic to arrogant people. To prejudices and people who degrade Elfs. Wannabe's and pathetic attention seekers can stay away too, because they'll get some beatings.

Copycats. Oh my. I could eat them. You put a lot of work in something, something original, and then they will just do exact the same thing as you did. If someone copy me or a friend, that person will know it. I'll eat him. Burn it. Mwhouhaha. I just can't stand it, I think it's so pathetic. Create an own personality, child.

Sissies. Don't get me wrong, someone who shows his or her feelings, I like it. Someone who just shows what he or she feels, congrats. I can't do that. Emotions? I don't need stuff like that. It will only get me in trouble. But what I mean with sissies, are people who'll not carry on. People who, if something doesn't work immediately, just stop with what they were doing. Bam, they're done with it. What? I think that's a lack of personality. If you quit because you don't like it, or you don't have time for stuff like that, I totally agree with you. But if you quit, just because you can't? Bitch, please. You're serious? I'm a go-getter, and a perfectionist. If I want to do something, I will do something. No matter what. So I can get a little nervous of people who give up when something doesn't work directly.

If people don't like me because of who I want to be. Also here, don't get me wrong. I also don't like everybody I met, but come on, I'll always try. If people don't like me for the clothes I wear or the music I listen to, I mean, seriously? I really don't care anymore. I wear what I want, I listen what I want, and I do what I want. If people don't like it, I'm like RAWR.

People who don't shut up when I tell them to. If I don't feel like it, I'll probably don't in the next hours, so just shut up. That's just who I am. Just leave me then.

People who says something bad about LotR, HP, SW, Elvish languages or WoW.

People who doesn't like this. Mwhouhaha.

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